ATTENTION : Exclusive Deal For Peninsula Residents...

Discover The Fitness Program For People Who Want To Get In Shape But Don't Know Where To Get Started 



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Limited To 10 People

So What Exactly Is the 4 Week Smart Start All About?

When it comes to results, we've got the perfect formula for you to look and feel your best without boring cardio or over-restrictive diets.

You see, over the last 12 years we have coached over 1,000 clients, and as a result, seen some serious body transformations. It is thanks to this journey that we are able to consistently give our clients the best and most permanent results possible.

With experimentation and endless hours of learning, investing and applying, and after years and years of experience, we have developed a superior system for burning fat and taking inches off your body. The best part? You can start seeing the results in only 4 weeks.

We’re not here to tell you that 4 weeks is all you need to change your life forever, which is what many programs promise with claims. This is because you know, and we know that would be a bunch of non-sense that doesn’t stick. What we can promise is that this program WILL become the start for your body's transformation.

In those 4 weeks our system will help you drop weight, fat, inches, and help you move better, become more confident, empowered and stronger; as well as give you the motivation to keep going because of the results you’ll see.

To stay motivated you have to see results, and that is exactly what we give you.

It's a combination of working out in a short burst, high intensity kind of way and a manipulation (for a lack of a better word) of your eating habits – NOT A DIET.

But here’s the coolest part of all of this – the results come FAST. The entire smart start program may only last 4 weeks, but the changes you will start to see in your body will not only be amazing, they'll also last.

Now, due to limited space, we can only offer this program to a small group of people – those who are seriously interested in burning fat, and gaining confidence in 4 weeks...

Would you be interested in that?

If so, click the button below to get started. But you have to hurry, spots are limited.


  • Confidence that you are doing the exercises you need to be doing, safely and correctly, because sometimes you’ve always wondered if you were doing those right.
  • Excitement of doing things you never thought you could do PAIN-FREE; such as squatting for great legs without your knees hurting… ever. 
  • Results each week whether it's your pants getting loser or the weights feeling easier, each week there is always something new that you'll experience and keep you excited for more. 
  • Support every step of the way because you're not alone and this won’t be a lonely journey, you’ll be surrounded by others that have done, and are going through, what you're going through. 
  • Motivation that keeps you grounded and not falling off the wagon even after those long days with an angry boss, traffic jams and long to-do lists.

CASESTUDY: See the results from people just like you who are using our proven fat loss program...







What's Included:

  • Personal Success Session: We'll let you come in, check out the place, meet the staff, and see if we're a good fit for you before we even collect a dime. We'll learn more about you, your goals, and history or injuries we need to know about and outline the details of your plan. 
  • Unlimited Training Sessions: So you can easily fit the workouts into your busy schedule. 38 different times to choose from weekly! We'll be guiding the workout for you at every workout to show you how to do everything, make sure you're doing it right, answer your questions, and keep you motivated the whole time. 
  • Nutrition Guidance: Yes this is one of the MAJOR components of working with a coach… what to EAT. In our program, we teach you more about nutrition than you may have been exposed to in the past and we'll work together to find out what YOU need to eat for YOUR body, YOUR goals, and YOUR schedule. 
  • Accountability & Results: We hold you to a higher standard than you may hold yourself, because we know from experience if you're not being held accountable to someone else, only YOU know if you did or did not make a smart nutrition choice. We'll hold you accountable to making smarter choices and ultimately getting the results you've been looking for. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Still on the fence? Here are some answers to some of the most commonly asked questions...

What Is The Fee For Program?

Your fee is $97 (space is limited, this program fills up fast) and what's great about the program is if you are not satisfied for whatever reason you can request a full refund.

Who Is The Program For?

A person new to fitness, looking to get back into after years, or those intimidated by the typical gym. Our trainers will modify the program to YOUR specific needs, even if you have prior injuries, specific dietary needs, 100 pounds to lose, or only the last 10 pounds to lose.

What if my schedule changes weekly?

No problem! You have full access to all our classes and can come to whichever class times are best for you on a given day.

What is The Nutrition Plan Like?

We teach you how to eat real food and build sustainable nutrition habits for long lasting results that you can live with.  

At ANY point in time during your Test Drive you just don't like it, you don't feel like this is a place you can call home, you don't think we are the coaches for you, whatever reason you have, we will refund the full amount of the Test Drive. No Questions Asked. If your not happy there is not reason for you to pay for it.

Secure Your Spot Today


P.S. - The next 4-Weeks are going to go by no matter might as well make good use of them with this special 4-Week Program. Click the green button to get started today and claim one of the limited spots!  

Coastal Strength & Fitness - All Rights Reserved